Breezee Creek Farm has been breeding for great conformation, excellent breed character, health and good temperament. But, on top of our list of things to breed for, we also breed for heavy milk production.
We keep very accurate barn records for all our milkers, so we can show buyers what our girls can do without having to guess off the top of our head what each doe really produces.
To prove our stock, we decided to add three of our Does to DHIA Milk Test for 2015. If we did a limited number of Does this year and felt it was beneficial to our herd, we could do the rest of our milkers the next year.
First Doe we signed up for Milk Test was our best producer, Durango’s Little Red. Red is a registered Grade Doe out of an unknown Sire, but we keep her because of her exceptional milk yield and quality form. She has the BEST udder and rump I’ve seen yet!
First Day on test, Red tested out! She gave 7.9lbs of milk at 3.35% Butterfat, 3.5% Protein and SCC of 8! Red, at only about 6 weeks fresh, earned her milk star on One Day Milk test!
Breezee Creek’s Princess and Cap N Bell’s Maizie, both first fresheners, will be on 305 Day Milk test this year as well. We’re very excited to see what these girls will accomplish for us. As an FF, Princess has been giving 1/2 gallon a day at 2 weeks fresh! All these girls have very nicely attached udders that we feel very proud of, and we are ecstatic to see what they’ll produce for us on official milk test!
Here are some photos of Red’s *P udder:
Breezee Creek Sista